Thank you for all the canning ideas. It has helped to create a pantry that allows me to can and save. can I can fresh eggs. We have a small homestead with 60 chickens and would like to figure out how to save for winter when they don't lay as many.

Thank you for help


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You can't can eggs, either fresh or pickled, but you can preserve them in limewater without canning. It's really effective. I have a tutorial here: https://practicalselfreliance.com/storing-eggs-in-lime/

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Thank you

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Mincemeat is a bad link

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Thanks for catching that. I fixed the link, here's the new one: https://nchfp.uga.edu/how/can/canning-fruits-and-fruit-products/pie-fillings/festive-mincemeat-pie-filling

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